What is an Annual Confirmation Statement?

An Annual Confirmation Statement (Companies House Form CS01) verifies important company data about a company’s directors, secretary (if one has been appointed), registered address, shareholders, share capital and people with significant control. All of this data must be registered at Companies House and displayed on the public register. If any of the information currently held on record is incorrect or out of date, the company should update the relevant data before, or at the same time as, delivering the confirmation statement. However, the confirmation statement is easier than the old annual return system as there is no need to enter previously filed information if there have been no changes in the past year. 

Company directors, company secretaries and designated limited liability partnership members are all legally responsible for making sure a confirmation statement is delivered to Companies House each year, either by post or online. It must arrive no more than 14 days after the confirmation date. Failing to file a confirmation statement is a criminal offence, and Companies House may strike off the company, which will close it down. Company directors may also face personal prosecution for neglecting to carry out their legal duties.

How can AK Tax Help you with your Annual Confirmation Statement?

Our friendly and professional team can assist you in making sure your confirmation statement is filed correctly. We will complete and submit it for you, ensuring all the details are right, and that it reaches Companies House well within the 14 day period. As well as giving yourself one less job to do, asking us to help with your confirmation statement gives you the peace of mind of knowing that everything has been done properly and that your business is in safe, capable hands.

Get in touch today to find out how we can help with this and many more aspects of running your company.


Annual Confirmation Statement FAQ

What’s the difference between the confirmation statement and the annual return?

The annual return was replaced with the confirmation statement in June 2016 and there are several differences. Unlike the annual return, the confirmation statement allows directors, secretaries or LLP members to choose when they file a confirmation statement each year, as long as they do it within 12 months and 14 days of the previous year’s date.

Another key difference is that the annual return had to be submitted every year in full, even if no changes had been made and the information being reported was exactly the same. Now, if there are no changes, the confirmation statement can be submitted through a simple ‘check and confirm’ process which does not require all the data to be added again.

The final significant change is that the confirmation statement must include a list of Persons with Significant Control (PSCs). These are mainly individuals who are not directors and own at least 25% of the business.

What is included in a confirmation statement?

To complete the statement it is necessary to check the information registered at Companies House and confirm that it is accurate and up to date. The information you have to check and confirm is:

  • Location of the company’s statutory registers (for example registered office or Companies House)
  • Principal business activities (Standard Industrial Classifications (SIC) codes)
  • Name of each shareholder
  • Shares held by each shareholder, including information on class, quantity and details of transfers)
  • Statement of capital, which includes the total number of shares in the company, the aggregate nominal value of those shares and aggregate amount unpaid on those shares, if any
  • Trading status of shares
  • People with Significant Control (PSCs)

Is there a fee for filing a confirmation statement?

Yes, but the price varies depending on how you file your statement. It costs £13 to file your confirmation statement online and £40 to file it by post. Filing online is the cheaper, faster and more convenient choice, especially if you are filing close to the end of the 14 day deadline.

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