First Steps with Xero – Get Started Right Now!

8th June 2020

We’ve always made it clear that we think Xero is great.  And one of the things we do with our clients when they start with Xero is get everything set up and give them the training they need (see our packages here).

If you’re making the journey alone for the moment, however, here’s our quick guide to your first steps with Xero – the key things you need to get done to get up and running as soon as possible.

1. Watch the Getting Started With Xero video

Being the helpful people that they are, Xero have put together a quick video showing you your first steps.  It should be at top of your screen when you log in, but if not, then just click on the question mark in the top right hand corner and select ‘show Getting Started.’

2. Set Up Your Organisation Details

You know, like your business name, address and phone numbers – that kind of thing.  Xero uses all of this when it creates invoices or other documents that go out to customers or other contacts.

You can do this by clicking on your business name in the top left, choose Settings, and then ‘Organisation Details.

3. Set up your Financial Details

Click on ‘Accounting’ on the top menu, and choose ‘Advanced.’ Then choose ‘Financial Settings.’ 

This is where you confirm your business’ trading year-end date, your VAT number, if you’re registered, and some other bits and pieces.

4. Connect your Bank Accounts

This is where Xero really comes into its own.  By connecting your bank accounts to Xero you’re going to drastically cut down the time it takes to manage your business, and everything is suddenly going to become a lot more accurate. This is why it’s one of the essential first steps in Xero that you must take.

For the Xero Guide to this, just head to this link to see more details:

Xero – Adding a Bank Account

5. Get an Accountant on Board

Look, we’re not going to force your hand on this, and we’re not going to pretend that we’re the only accountants out there. You need to find someone who’s right for you.

But as good as Xero is to use (it’s intuitive, and built for business owners) for the more complicated stuff, and to make sure you do things like minimise your tax liabilities, it’s important to make sure you’ve got the right professional support.

One of the great things about Xero is that it enables your accountants to log in and help with any issues that may come up.

So while the choice is up to you, it would be our privilege to talk to you about your plans, and see if we can work together.

Just head to our CONTACT PAGE and get in touch.

All the best,

Andy Hyland
